: Joy! | Aljo Pingol
Joy! | Aljo Pingol
As a painter of life, visual artist Aljo Pingol demonstrates the connectedness of the human experience and the happiness that can arise from that knowledge even in challenging times. Pingol’s recent works are about cultivating powerful emotions within his viewers, encouraging self-reflection and authenticity.
The theme of the exhibit is Joy. For the artist, Joy is one of the purest forms of beauty. It is an outward expression of beloved things; or a triumph over obstacles that have been overcome. It is the vivacity inside. Joy is the light within that radiates from the soul – vulnerable, authentic, and contagious. In healing, there is a joy that comes from brokenness. It is rejuvenation, finding the excitement in unknowns and the goodness in change. Joy is enthusiasm and wonder, a whole world of adventure waiting to be explored.
Aljo Pingol’s works for “Joy!” is a depiction of this journey; about freedom and letting the self be the masterpiece it was intended to be.
“Joy!”, An online exhibit featuring works by Aljo Pingol, will be on view from December 15 to 25, 2021.
About the Artist
Aljo Pingol (b.1974) expresses an exultation of spirit in his recent works. As a visual storyteller, he acknowledges infirmities yet provides focus on the positive side of these imperfections. A University of Sto. Tomas Graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in fine Arts, One can't help but relate to his proverbial subjects as his effervescent view of life is infectious. Pingol's use of themes and figurations take us through familiar territories where the silver lining — not the clouds are given emphasis.
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